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Foundation for European Research

FER, the Foundation for European Research (Hungary) is a woman-led NGO, founded by scientists to interact on societal challenges and to support regional and international cooperation in education, science, culture and social innovation.

The goals of FER are as follows:

In order to achieve its objectives, the Foundation participates in national and international programmes, conducts and supports scientific research, organises and supports events, publishes publications, organises conferences, training courses, artistic, cultural and sporting events, recreational programmes and camps. A key objective of the FER is to give young people the chance to explore the diverse opportunities in science, technology, art, engineering and maths, and to understand the processes that can influence their future in a positive way, thus contributing to their career pathways. FER addresses and attracts people regardless of the level of their scientific background, with a special focus on families, pupils and students, and notably those who do not have easy access to, and thus are less inclined to engage in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics).

FER supports the Researchers' Night in Hungary and in 2021 organized the whole event. The experience of the FER team is demonstrated by the wealth of experience gained in more than 9 FP7, 15 H2020 and 2 HE projects.

In 2021, our Foundation supported the organisation of the Hungarian Researchers' Night. We contributed to making the website free of charge for educational institutions, research institutes, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, museums, public libraries and NGOs nationwide.

For more information, visit the event's English and Hungarian websites.

In 2023, FER won the first Erasmus+ (KA210-SCH) project: SmartKindergarten "Interactive methods for measuring and developing the skills of pre-school children: new solutions from SmartKindergarten in disadvantaged regions". Website: https://www.okosovi.eu/

In 2024, FER won two project, one for the Researcher's Night (fundend by ProFili foundation) and one Erasmus+ Policy Experimentation KA3 project where we are one of the associated partner.

Activities of the Foundation:

Child Protection Policy

Child_Protection_Policy FER_signed.pdf

Gender Equality Plan

Plan for gender equality 2024.pdf
